







現今許多人適婚卻不婚,老人家看了奇怪,過去從沒發生過類似狀況。這現象代表五、六十年來沒有戰亂、年輕人長大過程中享有家庭溫暖與親情支援,因此認為單 身也能過得很好,不論敗犬或是單身貴族,不覺得非要個伴,是歷史上首度可以一個人過日子的平安歲月。衰老未至,沒有歲月的壓力,等年齡到了,開始覺得孤 獨、害怕孤獨,想找個人分享,還是需要個伴。









以前一個人在台北發展,要自己照顧自己,還要爭名奪利,不自私很難在短時間之內成就自己。結婚之後學著喊太太的媽媽「媽!」,有食物,不能先放進自己嘴 巴,要顧著妻小先吃。我開始懂得心疼與珍惜,因為太太很好,捨不得讓她不舒服、捨不得讓她傷心,這些捨不得讓我自然學會了讓、學會了愛,也自然的改變自 己,從自私變成大方。



當然,歲月無情,人生最終還是分離。像我媽媽十六歲嫁給爸爸,相守相愛了一輩子,爸爸十多年前過世之後,媽媽真像少了一半,常凝望遠方,像爸爸就在天的那 一邊,令人感傷。但人生如果少了婚姻、少了隨之而來的酸甜苦辣生老病死,少了孩子延續家的價值與感情,真會少掉很多滋味。


王品董事長戴勝益 給兒子的九點叮嚀




















有多少壓力 就有多少潛力

























前几个星期,乘还没开始考试,就到朋友的家乡去找吃的,找玩的。嘻嘻。朋友就带我来到这个美丽的太平湖。它真的好像一幅画。根据维基:太平湖是我国第一个,也是最古老的湖滨公园。 由约10个湖泊组成的太平湖,是我国第一个,也是最古老的湖滨公园。它原是锡矿采掘殆尽后遗留下来的废矿湖,经过政府数十年来积极地发展,才成了今日融合自然美与人工美的名胜地。

有机会的话你应该到此一游 :)


很久都没更新我的部落格。可能是最近比较忙呗,毕竟这是我的最后学期。忙着更朋友集会,忙着那里怕趴趴走,那里趴趴走,又要忙考试,忙功课。日子就着这样一天一天就过了。今天刚刚考完一张。下一张,也是就是最后一张是在23号。很快就要结束我的三年的大学生涯。真的有点不舍得跟朋友分离。幸好一路走来,都有你们的陪伴。谢谢我的course mates, 砂华,让我有个美好的回忆。

和朋友们一起办的Chess Gathering Night。这些都是我的course mates哦 :) 

女course mates

男course mates

我的姐妹~ 呵呵

曾经走过的日子不断的累积就让照片来做回忆的记事本吧记下曾经的年少曾经的快乐,悲伤曾经的您和我 。

在此 ,愿您一切都能美梦成真。


Love Life

最近看了一部叫Love Life的记录片。心里有很多感触。不停的在想为什么有人会想要自杀?为什么这么容易就放弃生命?难道你不知道你有多幸福吗?有的人努力的想要活着,可是切没有这个机会。

希望你看了这部纪录片,会更尊重生命,熱愛生命,並且珍惜生命裡的每一分每一秒,Love Life! 因为谁都不知道自己能活多久,只要­活着一天,就要开开心心,时刻感谢主给予我的一切一切!相信不管发生什么事都有它自个的原因。因为当主关上一扇门时,他会在别处为你开启一扇窗。


A Little Inspiration To Keep Rolling

Life is like a Cup of Coffee. Savor the coffee not the cups. The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything.





来听听这首歌:你在烦恼什么?当你难过得时候听听这首歌, 就会覺得生命還是很美好, 你是幸福的!~ 


蓝莓芝士挞 Blueberry Cheese Tart

这是我的他最爱吃的蓝莓芝士挞。已经答应他很久要做给他吃。希望他会喜欢。嘻嘻~ 这个食谱又简单,材料又容易找到。而且吃起来特别有口感。第一次做,还不错吧?


取自: 人生加油站

牛油 ~ 100g
糖粉 ~ 60g
全蛋 ~ 1

普通面粉 ~ 250g

1. 将牛油和糖粉打发。
2. 加入蛋拌匀。
3. 将面粉过筛加入,稍微拌匀成为面团。
4. 放入冰箱冷藏30分钟。
5. 将面团从冰箱取出,取一小块放入塔模,用拇指均匀的压在塔模内。
型模: 8g / 中型模:15g / 普通模 : 25g)

6. 放入烤箱以160度烘烤8分钟半熟。(请依照个人烤箱调整)


Get More Visitors To Your Blog

My visitor for today :) I got something I don't understand. Why I got visitor from Egypt? I don't have any friend from Egypt le. Haha. 

Well, lets talk about something serious :D Traffic is the reflection of success of a blog and blogger. A blog can be regarded as successful if it gets more number of your visitors. That the reason why every serious blogger is quite concern with their traffic and constantly tries to get more number of visitors. 

Do you know what is web traffic? According to Wikipedia, web traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to a website. it is a large portion of internet traffic. This is determined by the number of visitors and the number of pages they visit. Therefore, traffic is a measure of site's activity usually reflected by the number of visitors and number of page views. 

From my little experience that i gains from the last few months, I would like to share my experience on how to get more visitors.

1. Join Innit 

I use Innit to attract readers from Nuffnang's blogging community.What you need to do is just sign in, upload and post your latest post in Nuffnang. Very easy! This really help but this service only available to Nuffnang Glitterati members only :)

2. Write good content articles

Good content is the key to attract visitors to your website. The better the content, the more visitors you will attract. Creating good content would be like telling your story and your way and bla bla bla. LOL~ But most of my content is nonsense one. Anyway, will try my very best :)

3. Comment in other blogs

Do you know that the more comment the higher google ranking. Therefore, you can have your social media friends to comment on your post. Besides that, leaving comment on other blogs. People will come back to you. You can include a link to your website on each comment, and some visitors will come through those links.

4. Keep blogging! 

The more content that you have, the more visitors you will have! Because blog readers love content and are constantly looking for new information and content. If you provide it, they will find it, and if you continue to provide it, they will continue to return time and time to read it. Content is one of the most important aspects of the blogging process. Remember! If you are not posting content, your visitors will never find you. 

Happy Blogging! :) 

Hope this will be useful for you :)


Life is How You See

Bad can equal good and good can equal bad. It's all in how you look at it, ,make yours far from sad. Life is how you see if. No matter good or bad, if you find the good in things, the bad can't make you sad.

But if you do the opposite, when things don't go your way. You'll find yourself far from happy. Wishing for another day. Instead cherish all your days, all the good and bad, we must be happy for all we have, even if it makes us sad.

Thinks positive. No matter what happens, life still goes on and you have your loved one who always support you. You are a blessed one :) 


Master's Degree VS Work Experience

Should I study master's degree or should I start working to gain work experience? 

Many students wonder what to do next after they finish their first cycle which is undergraduate studies. Yea, I am one of them but I have second solution which is doing both at the same time. But it would be very tiring because my weekend will be gone because I need to do part time study on Saturday and Sunday. My cousin told me that sometimes the class will be start  from 8am to 8pm ( Wow, 12 hours). Can I bear with it? 

According to some article, both master's degree and work experience is very important. For example, studying a master's degree can be a good option to gain fresh and advanced knowledge and even gain confidence within your area of expertise. At the other hand, work experience will provide skills that can't be taught in a classroom and that you will learn some things only through your own work experience.

It does sound very confusing though, but I still have to make a decision. Choose both or Choose either one. 

How about you? Are you having the same problem like me? :) 


My Nuffnang Earning

This is a post regarding to my Nuffnang account. I am a new blogger although I started to blog since 2010, but I stop blogging from September 2010 until September 2011, almost one year probably because of my assignment. This is my last semester in doing my degree and you know la final semester more time for goyang kaki. LOL~ That the reason I start blogging again and at the same time can earn some pocket money. I am officially an active blogger in this month.

Seriously, I didn’t earn money from blogging but I still keep on blogging, because it has become a part of my life. Well, my current earning is 4.70. Still a long long journey to reach 50. Huh~I know it’s so little. But no worries, I am not depending on it to live with my life. 

Anyway, please support me, by either become my follower or drop some comment on my blog. Now I am so addicted with blogging, couldn't have myself to quit from blogging. Hmm~ keep the spirits going. Envy with those pro blogger who get so many buffered earning. When will be my turn? :( Some of the pro bloggers are very generous to share their own experience on how to get the buffered earning. So kind of them! :) Thanks you! 

A Picture Says a Thousand Words

"Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far it is possible to go." 

-T.S. Eliot-


Meaning of Life

“People work too hard to figure out the meaning of their lives. Why me, why now. The truth is, sometimes things don't happen to you for a reason. Sometimes it's just about being in the right place at the right time for someone else.” ― Jodi Picoult, Second Glance 

Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there, to serve some sort of purpose, teach you a lesson, or to help you figure out who you are or who you want to become.

You never know who these people may be, a roommate, a neighbor, a professor, a friend, a lover, or even a complete stranger. When you lock eyes with them, you know at that very moment they will affect your life in some profound way.

Images from google

Little Boxy Pouch Tutorial

Hello :) I hope everyone is having a great weekend tomorrow! I learnt how to thread a machine when I was primary 5 and my first masterpiece was a barbie doll's dress. During the process of learning I break off the needle on the machine for uncounted times :( But, from the uncounted times i learnt how to sew! :)  From my humble opinion, the key to learning how to sew is practice! Well, this is a good one to start Little Boxy Pouch Tutorial! ( Click the link for tutorial) 

Have a nice day ahead! 


DIY Paper Flower Bouquets

Thanks to Oh Happy Day I came across this lovely Paper Flower Cone Bouquets! What a good combination of ice cream and flowers, just can't stop admiring. These DIY Paper Flower Cone Bouquets are so much fun for any occasion.

Step 1: Using Jordan’s party hat template, scale down the size to fit your cone and draw it diagonally on the striped paper.
Step 2: Cut around the template.
Step 3: Wrap it around the cone and secure it with double-sided tape.

Step 4: For the flowers, I created a rose from my tutorial here.
Step 5: Glue gun the skewer to the inside of the flower and hold in place until dry.
Step 6: Cut out leaves from the green paper.
Step 7: Roll them around a pencil to create shape.
Step 8: Dab some glue onto the tip of the leaf and attach to the cone paper.
Step 9: Voila!

Images from their respective owner Oh Happy Day


Cake Pops

Cakes used to be straightforward as they were round, square or rectangular, topped with butter icing and some colored icing flower.  As things get more complicated in this new century, cakes too, have become more complex. Now, we have cake popssss :) 

Here Kitty, Kitty! 

Spring Chickens..chirp chirp

Wedding Cake Pops...Love this :) 

It was during this period four years ago, that cake pop was born. It was hot stuff in the United States and as a big vote of confidence, even Starbucks began selling cake pops at its coffeehouses there.
Its origin, however, is unclear although many attribute it to the website bakerella.com where the blogger has been introducing her cake pops since January 2008.
A cake pop is essentially a cake on a lollipop stick, hence the name. 
Have a pop and find it yourself  and check out the video about cake pops :)

Images from Bakerella.com


Earning money through Nuffnang

Nuffnang is Malaysia, Philippine, Singapore blog advertising company to let blogger earn money using their blog. Sign up to Nuffnang is very easy. Don’t need to qualify for any requirement, so it is a good start up for a new blogger. Once your site keep growing, you can make money with Nuffnang, or once your traffic is enough to apply for others premium advertising company, then just move.

Earning Money through,

Cost per impression ads (CPM), 

On Nuffnang, they called CPM as buffered earning. To get assigned for buffered earnings from Nuffnang is something subjective. Not all bloggers will be assigned with CPM. If your blog received CPM or buffered earning ads running on your blog, then your money can easily growing.

Cost per click (CPC), 

It is a normal type of ads runs on any advertisement company. The problem is, Nuffnang ads is really looks like a Nuffnang with the Nuffnang symbol sometimes takes a lot of spaces. People do not like to click on ads. It is the fact that all of bloggers know. That’s why most of bloggers would prefer CPM ads.

Cost per lead (CPL) or Cost per action

Nuffnang owns Churp Churp. A website selling deal just like Milk Deal or Groupon. Every sales make from the ads appeared on your blog will give you certain amount of money.

Advertorial post

This is the most lucrative advertising method on Nuffnang. Not all bloggers able to get offered with advertorial post. If you received that offers, four digits money surely be yours.

Good Luck in making money with Nuffnang. :)







文: 取自《一分钟的人生感悟》是突破逆境、鼓舞身心、感悟人生的最佳读本,从中获得无与伦比的感情体验,为你带来全新的人生感悟。



















Free Printable: Build Your Own Cupcakes

Build Your Own Cupcakes

There are 10 pages total consisting of: cover page, the recipe, 8 different cupcakes, 8 different liners, 8 different frostings, 11 different cupcake toppers, and a sheet of name tags for your little baker :) :)

Spotted this gorgeous free printable cupcakes. Just print, cut out and mix and match to your cupcake-loving heart's content. Jessica, the creative mastermind behind blog Vol.25 has outdone herself with the sweetest free download: Build Your Own Cupcakes.

images from their respective owners

Sand & Stone

This is a story about two friends who were walking through a forest. At one particular point the two got into an argument and one friend hit the other in the face. The one who was hit was hurt, but without any word he wrote in the sand: "Today my best friend slapped me in the face.’ 

They walked on until they found an oasis where they decided to have a bath.The one who had been hit got stuck in the mud and was drowning but the friend saved him When he came to, he carved in a stone:‘Today my best friend saved my life’ The friend who had hit his best friend then saved him asked:‘After I hit you you wrote this in the sand and now you carved in the stone that I saved you, why did you do this?’ 

The other friend answered:‘When someone hurts us we must write it in the sand where the wind of forgiveness can blow it away’ But if someone does a good deed for you, we have to carve it in stone where no wind can blow it away.’ Learn to write the hurt in the sand and carve your good experiences in stone.  It is said that it takes only a minute to find extraordinary people, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them, but it takes a whole life to forget them.    


2012 Calender Designs

While come across in looking for calender ideas. I found this lovely calender 2012 with watercolor illustrations by Le Petit Elefant and lettering/layout by Paper & Type, features a different, monochromatic scene of communication on each seasonal page. Tear along the perforated line after you’re done with each page to create an art print, and come december, there’s a special postcard that you can use to send holiday wishes. 

More ideassss :) :) Sloe Gin Fizz’s 2012 calendar features twelve months of illustrated goodness. The seasonally-inspired illustrations are hand drawn and digitally colored by Sloe Gin Fizz’s own Nicole Ray.

Nature-inspired watercolor illustrations are featured in each month of Bookhou at Home’s 2012 wall calendar, which features an ample amount of white space on either side of the month to jot down notes.

And the fun and colorful Fruit calendar, which features a different fruity-licious illustration for each month of the year. 

images from their respective owners

Will try to attempt one for myself, Wish me good luck! :D