
Felt Craft

This is my very 1st handmade felt craft!

Felt is a non-woven cloth that is produced by matting,
condensing and pressing woollen fibres.

While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough.
Usually I use the soft felt to make my felt craft.

I forgot when and how I fall in love with felt craft.
Many cultures have legends as to the origins of feltmaking.

If not mistaken the origins of feltmaking was actually europe.
( At first I thought it was from Japan)

Anyway, all this to say that this is my new way
of collecting craft projects and inspiration.

Have a nice day! :)


Anonymous said...

Aw so cute!!! How can that be the first one you did? First stuff always look bad. I guess some people was born with talent...

But I think if you sew from inside instead of going around from the outside (I have no idea what that stitch is called) it'd be more chubby like a pillow so it'd be cuter. Just my opinion, coz I like pillow-like craft :P

Nevertheless, great job!

Punk Chopsticks said...

CUTEEEEEE I cna't believe thats your very first felt craft. Are you erious, girl??? It looks amazing! I tried out felt craft when I was back in the states. Craft is a big thing over there, well, not really but its still better than the stupid crayon drawings of beaches i had to draw back in Malaysia. You seriously have a knack for this!

Cathleen said...

Hi RedMelati and Punk Chopsticks, thank you for the amazing comment!

@ Redmelati: I did some pillow-like ceaft too, will share with you next time :)

@Punk Chpsticks: Yes, that definitely my very first felt craft :D I like your crayon drawing!Another interesting blog to read!

Punk Chopsticks said...

Lol well congrats on your amazing first try! XD what crayon drawing? *blurs*

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